How to finish plasterboard


We have seen how to work plasterboard and create a wall or false ceiling.

Now let's analyze specifically how to refine what we have created.

You will have noticed how each plasterboard panel has rounded edges on the longest side to allow optimal grouting between the slab and the slab.

Let's see how.


1. Apply the first layer of putty.

• Mix some putty with water until you get a fairly watery consistency. Use a 12.5 cm or 15 cm bell spatula and take about 5 cm of putty.

• On the joints between the panels and on the screw heads, put a large amount of putty taking care to press it well;

• Be sure to press the filler into each slot to create a smooth, even surface;

• Use a led spotlight (at least 50W) placing it diagonally with respect to the wall so as to identify any area that needs to be covered with stucco and to see if it has worked well, avoiding smudging.

• Use the bell spatulas to spread the filler on the wall at an angle of 45 ° to the wall. The more you drag the mixture onto the wall, the more it will be necessary to tilt the corner of the spatula more and more until the blade is almost parallel to the wall.

2. Tap the joints with the micro-perforated paper

• Prepare the joints to be taped by spreading the filler and being careful not to remove too much, otherwise the micro-perforated paper tape may not adhere;

• Cut the tape a little longer than the joint;

• Wet the ribbon just cut with water or even soak it. This operation weakens the tape but at the same time makes the application operations a little easier. Wet the tape, in fact, prevents the formation of air bubbles on it;

• Now apply the wet tape starting from one point and approaching the opposite one, applying pressure along the entire length avoiding the appearance of air bubbles. NB: The tape should be slightly sunken in the middle of the joint.

3. Fix the tape with the spatula

• Start from the middle of the wall and drag the spatula over the paper tape downwards. NB: The spatula should be kept at an angle of about 30º to the wall and moved with a firm and continuous movement;

• Repeat the same procedure but from the middle joint upwards;

• If air bubbles are formed, make cuts on the paper with a cutter and flatten the area.

• If the tape does not adhere well to the joint, the grout is probably dry at that point. Cutting the tape and replacing the grout is the only solution.

• Carry out the same operation on the internal and external corners of the wall, paying attention to the use of the spatula and not cutting the paper.

4. Verify and "Rest"

• Check that all joints have been well covered with filler and tape;

• Check that all screw heads are covered with putty;

• Wash the equipment and store it; let the putty rest for at least 12 hours. NB: there are various types of quick-setting fillers on the market that require less application time.

• To speed up the drying operation there are professional heaters that can help especially in the presence of damp rooms or in full winter when the temperatures are low;

• The following day, check the color of the stucco, in fact when the stucco is still wet it has a darker color close to gray while when it is dry the color tends to white.

• If the filler is completely dry, proceed with the correspondence;

5. Sand the wall

• Wear a dust mask, if possible adhering to the face and with the air filter;

• Cover anything with a cover sheet of anything that should not be soiled;

• Gently tap any excess grout with a spatula;

• On a hand-held grinder, mount medium-grit sandpaper and, applying even and gentle pressure, smooth the rough areas paying attention to the edges.

6. Repeat the "filling" operation and complete the work

• With a spatula larger than the previous one, apply a thicker layer of normal-density stucco (not as watery as the day before) on all joints and on all screw heads;

• Smooth the mixture with a second pass. Apply it with downward movements and then smooth it with horizontal movements filling every bevel of the plasterboard;

• Allow to dry as previously illustrated;

• Scrape the wall again slightly and then sand it until the outer edges are smooth;

• Check the wall again with a led spotlight and if this reveals any imperfections, then a new coat of putty must be applied.



• Learning to refine plasterboard is the basis of every job, whether you make a repair or create a new wall. The finishing prepares the plasterboard to apply the primer and the paint.

• Always cover the vertical joints first. In fact, the horizontal ones will eventually cover the ends of the vertical ones.

• Don't be in a hurry and do things very calmly. Usually between two and four coats of stucco and sanding is required before obtaining a good result.

• With experience and with a few attempts, you can get a rough effect with stucco or draw some geometric shape.

• If you need to paint the wall just finished, you must first apply the primer.

• To clean the stucco stains immediately pass the water where necessary before it dries. On carpets and curtains, instead, let it dry and then remove.



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