Do you need to make part of the false wall or false ceiling accessible for inspection?

Do you need to create an easy access point to an electrical or plumbing system?

Do you need to hide a counter-picture?

Do you need to perform maintenance on an air conditioning machine?

Here are just some of the questions that need the same answer: inspection hatch.


Inspection hatch

The hatch or inspection door consists of an external frame and a door that acts as a "cap".

Through a click-clac or push-pull opening mechanism, the door can be opened and closed at will, allowing operators in the sector the greatest freedom in the creation and management of spaces, having the possibility of not affecting the aesthetics of the room where it is necessary to inspect the compartments in which the electrical, plumbing, ventilation or mechanical systems are normally found or only to create closets or hidden spaces inside the walls or false ceiling.

There are various types of inspection hatches on the market, each one according to a specific need.



For more details read our article: “INSPECTION BOTTLE OR DOOR”.



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