Here are easy instructions for removing wallpaper from a plasterboard surface:


Fast guide

1. Always start tearing the paper where you see a ruined flap or where you find any sagging. This will facilitate the removal operations;

2. Continue with the work of detaching the old paper using a wet sponge and soaking the wallpaper. As the latter detaches itself from the wall, it continues to pull it away with your hands;

3. While performing these activities, you can use a vaporizer placed near the wall to make large pieces of paper come loose and not many small pieces;

4. After removing the old wallpaper, let the wall dry well and then remove the residues with a wet spatula;

5. Proceed with the grinder and sandpaper to eliminate any protuberances from the wall and fill the holes and cracks created with putty;

6. Check that the wall is perfectly smooth and free of imperfections;

7. Now let it dry and you are ready to put your new wallpaper on the plasterboard wall.



• If the wallpaper is difficult to remove, use liquid soap in hot water and wet the paper very well with a sponge;

• Never start the removal work from the center but always start either from the bottom or from the top;

• Carefully place plastic sheets at the base of the wall to collect any dripping liquids and paper scraps.


ATTENTION: as this type of intervention is very delicate, the advice is to contact a highly specialized company that can help you.


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